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時(shí)間:2017-03-07 ?? 熱度:633

品牌:DNP/Sine Image
















步驟 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
反射率(%) Over 60% 60.0% 41.0% 28.2% 19.5% 13.5% 9.2% 6.3% 4.4% 3.0%

Specification of this chart is same as the ITE Resolution Chart




(4)Interlace scan


(6)Linearity of scan

(7)Aspect ratio of scan


(9)Graduation sequence

Transmission or Reflectance of main parts is stated as follows;

(1)Transmission or Reflectance of inside white part of the big circle is 60% or more.

(2)Transmission or Reflectance of outside background of the big circle is 40±5%.

(3)Please refer to the list of Transmission or Reflectance of Grayscale Chart.

Step Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reflection Ratio(%) Over 60% 60.0% 41.0% 28.2% 19.5% 13.5% 9.2% 6.3% 4.4% 3.0%
余干县| 广水市| 宝应县| 饶阳县| 阿坝| 贡嘎县| 许昌县| 碌曲县| 南靖县| 天镇县| 乐安县| 潢川县| 和田市| 曲麻莱县| 遂川县| 南靖县| 吉林市| 永和县| 青川县| 桐梓县| 苍南县| 石泉县| 如皋市| 遵义市| 屏边| 宣城市| 浦江县| 连城县| 万安县| 信阳市| 凌海市| 五家渠市| 祁连县| 松阳县| 喀什市| 贵溪市| 凤山市| 清苑县| 司法| 英德市| 张北县|